First Twisted Flower sock finished. This pattern really is something else! Cookie A., I humbly bow to you. I really like the way the pattern stands out in the white yarn.
that is gorgeous! i just discovered your blog (or actually re-discovered, because i think i viewed it once a while ago), and i just wanted to say that you make such beautiful socks!
(Thank you everyone for visiting! If you want to comment, you can do so in English, Swedish or Finnish.)
Who am I?
I'm a sucker for knitting. It all goes back to early childhood, when my grandmothers introduced me to the art. Ever since, I've been a periodic knitter. My favourite knitting project is socks in all shapes and colours, but I can occasionally squeeze out a sweater or some mittens. I'm no stranger to having several projects going on at the same time.
When I'm not knitting, I work as a freelance translator and try to write my Master's thesis.
Oh my goodness!!! They're something amazing!
These socks are gorgeous!
Thanks for the compliment on the London Beanie btw.
Wow! Onpa hieno sukka! Pitäisi varmaan neuloa nuo kaikki Cookie A:n sukat. :)
Upea sukka! Mikä lanka sulla on käytössä?
That is stunning! I agree, it looks great in the white!
that is gorgeous! i just discovered your blog (or actually re-discovered, because i think i viewed it once a while ago), and i just wanted to say that you make such beautiful socks!
Beautiful socks! I've admired a lot of your FOs and other stuff here on your blog. You do such nice things.
Kommer gjerne tilbake:)
Fantastiska strumpor. Vilket pill-jobb!
Aivan upeat sukat!
Holy cow, those are stunning!! Beautiful work!
(The only Finnish I know is the phrase "foot sweat" but somehow that seems inappropriate for such lovely socks.)
Just wow.
So gorgeus socks! Beautiful!
Det sockmönstret köpte jag nästan omedelbart när jag såg det. men det ligger fortfarande oanvänt.
dina är jättefina!!!
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