I really like the colors. I've used two completely different yarns, and I'm really surprised that they actually work together! The white yarn is Novita Nalle, a wool and polyamide fingering weight yarn. The green one is Rowanspun DK, an almost "tweedy" yarn with small blue specks in it. It's amazing how much the fabric changed after washing and blocking the vest!
I've also started a new project. Swallowtail shawl from IK fall 2006.
I seem to have a preference for green these days. And especially really light spring green shades.
My Bayerische Socks are also coming along nicely. I finished the first one a few days ago, and I'm already on the third repeat on the second one. These are absolutely my favorite socks so far! The details are amazing, and they fit perfectly.
I also like the fact that they're so much more challenging than most of the sock patterns out there. It takes a while to get comfortable with the charts and the pattern, but the reward is so worth it! I can't wait to finish the second sock so I can wear them!
that bayerische is looking so good!!! love it! So is the rest btw, but being a bayerische failure so far myself, I'm always in awe of people who manage to knit a great one like that ;)
Sandy sent me your link
I'm thnking of picking up knitting again -and would like to find some kind of encouragement circle here in Finland (pref in or near Turku) .. do you have any suggestions.
I am English speaking, but can manage in Finnish (and a little Swedish too - but not knitting vocab yet!)
Wowza, those are all *beautiful*!
Your vest looks so pretty. Congrats on the steeking, very scary business!
WOW, your knitting is magnificent! I hope that one day I could knit 1/2 as well as you do! Your socks are divine!
thank you for sharing your knitting, your work is inspiring!
(I am about to try my first jumper....for years I have knitted scarves), nd i am working on mo first pair of socks, but a very simple pair! LOL
Your vest looks great! and those socks! Geez. :D
Liivi näyttää tosi upealta, ihanat värit! Tilasin ohjeen just eilen Eunnylta, ja nyt alkoi mietityttään, että pitäiskö mun sittenkin tehdä liivi Woolista tai Nallesta. Ne kun ei aiemmin käyneet ees mielessä, mut olis kyllä edulliset vaihtoehdot noviisi-steekkaajalle... ;)
dom är jättefina!!!!
wow - din slipover är jättefin. den olivgröna färgen ser fantastisk ut.
visst var det ett roligt projekt??
Very nice work - I love the greens too. I enjoyed the Swallowtail a lot, and those Bayerische socks are definitely on my list!
Baierilaiset näyttää kivoilta! Asuin kauan Itävallassa, ja siellä(kin) tuollaiset monimutkaiset kuviot oli ihan arkipäivää. Toinen toistaan kivempia sukkia ja neuletakkeja... pitäisi varmaan tehdä kun on ohjeitakin keräilty. Mitä lankaa muuten käytit noihin sukkiin?
Hello Heidi,
your Bayerische Socken looks very great.
Greetings Heidi, Germany
Relly nice color on your Argyle vest! I love that pale green!
And good job on the Cookie A sock!
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