I was so excited I almost opened the package in the car, but I somehow managed to stop myself, and I drove home as fast as I could (observing the speed limits, of course!). When I got home, the scent got even stronger, and I had to rip the package open. This is what I found inside.
A really nice letter from my SP. I already have a vague idea about what kind of person she is. I imagine her to be around 25 years old, give or take a few years. And yes, it's a she. (Haha, you didn't fool me by putting a boy's name on the package! And if you're really a boy, I'm so sorry!) She hand dyed this yarn for me with Kool Aid (And yes, SP, I also question how safe it is to drink the stuff!) I got a really great pattern that will teach me to knit two socks on two circs, and the two circs to go with it. She also included a notebook for all my knitting ideas. This would have been a great package in itself, but there was more, and this is where coffee addicts, chocoholics and tea fanatics might want to look away.
When I saw this, it was no longer a mystery why the package smelled so heavenly! These are all my favourite things. First of all, the coffee! I almost fainted with bliss when I put my nose into the beautiful tin! I could sit with my head over it all day, but I finally came to my senses and decided to make a cup to drink instead (if you didn't know, that's what coffee is for...) It's brewing right now, and the scent coming from the kitchen is wonderful. And the chocolate! I absolutely adore dark chocolate, and this is "Noir de Noir". It's delicious! The tea also smells great, and I usually drink tea in the evenings, so I will try some tonight. And finally, some olive hand lotion. I love olive oil and olives, so this was a perfect choice!
Everyone says they have the best Secret Pal, but I really do! Thank you so much! It really feels like you can read my mind. Scary! But in a good way! :)
I'm so happy that it arrived! I was really worried. I'm glad to see that the package suits you. Have fun drinking tea and coffee :)
Kool-Aid is not that bad!! I grew up on the stuff, drinking it, and selling it for 25 cents a cup at the annual kool-aid stands that we had every year! :) And so what if it dies your insides green :)
I think you have to have grown up on the stuff in order to appreciate it properly! :)
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