They're still a little fussy about being photographed, so they put on their whitest glow everytime a camera is close by...
The white color is also the biggest problem when it comes to wearability. That's why I thought I would ask you, my dear readers, what you think about dyeing them.
Should I dye them to make them more wearable and practical, or should I leave them white because they're oh so pretty in white? Tell me what you think.
If I dye them, the color would probably be burgundy or olive green or light blue...
I personally would dye them a light color... nothing worse than a pair of semi-grey socks.
They are certainly beautiful! You did an amazing job!!
Kepp them white until they don't look so white anymore and then dye them.
I was thinking you should dye them a lite blue maybe. I think lighter colors show off stitch definition better. I like sherilyn's idea of keeping them white til they're not anymore then dyeing them.
I'd go with keeping them white for a while... see if the white grows on you, if not, dye a light blue or blue/green.
I vote for keeping them white too, then dye them a light color. There's so much going on w/this pattern that it may get lost if you dye it too dark.
Upeat sukat!!!
Tulin kyselemään omien kirjanpitojeni seottua, että osallistuitko Tropiikkitäkkiin? Olit ilmoittautunut Amalle mutta tosiaan osittain seonneen kirjanpidon takia muutamat osallistujat pitää vielä varmistaa ennen arvontaa.
Kauniithan ne valkoiset sukat ovat, mutta itse en uskalla useinkaan käyttää valkoisia sukkia missään. Värjäämisessä on siis puolensa..
I would definitely stick to a light color, but it seems a shame not to have them wearable.
I love the white Twisted Flowers socks! They are beautiful. :)
I think I would dye them something semi-solid but then I am just terribly bad with anything white. Check out my blog for photos of my just finished pair of TFSocks. :)
I saw your first sock on Knitters Review and thought it was the most beautiful sock ever. Still think so now seeing the pair. Don't dye them until you have to. Then dye them pink or blue or best yet chartreuse. Fabulous socks,girl. I must make a pair.
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