Instead, I finished the Legolas Socks.
The weather has been appalling lately, and the chance of getting decent photos has been slim. This is the best I could do when wearing the socks.
You didn't think this was all the unnecessary knitting I've been doing, did you?
I give you: Legolas Socks - Disco Version. (Oh yes, I'm cheesy like that!)
The idea that these could be knitted in Kureyon and a black yarn just didn't want to leave my head, so I had to try. And I'm pretty happy with the result.
The leg has almost no give, and the fabric is so thick and dense that I could probably walk outside in the snow and not get cold.
So I guess these should be called Legolas Boots instead of socks.
These really give off an elf-vibe! And the pointy toe was a nice surprise.
I didn't plan that the pattern would come together like that at the toe. It just happened to be the most practical way to do the decreases.
This is definitely my favorite design project so far. I'm going to wear these all the time this winter. Now I just have to knit the second sock/boot...
How pretty!!
PLEASE make the pattern available! It's hard to believe that both those pairs of socks are knitted from the same pattern; they look so different!
OMG! You have to make a pattern for these so others can knit them. They are the coolest socks I have seen in a long time!
- Silja
I love the regular AND the disco version!! Very cool (warm) socks!
Regular versio on aivan syötävä. :o)
I like both versions, but the disco version is unbelievable cool!
The disco version really punches them up to the next level. I love the checked sole. Very cool!
got here via ravelry. I LOVE these! They are gorgeous!
Those were awesome! What a job!
mielettömän hienot sukat! :D
This pattern is fantastic. I never thought about how you could use a contrasting yarn to outline the pattern as you've done here, but this sets off a whole new range possibilities. Very creative.
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